#Soulpreneurs: Interview With Valery Heng From RdytoGlow

In this series, we’re getting to know like-minded entrepreneurs who share the same passion and drive as we do here at Soul Good Project. If starting a business wasn’t already difficult enough! By listening to their personal experiences and sharing about work, life, and everything else, we’re building a community to spur each other on—allies, not rivals. Get to know some of our friends in the industry, and hear their perspectives on issues that matter.

Our first feature is with Valery Heng, founder and creator of RdytoGlow, an eco-friendly skincare and body brand based in Singapore. She also holds vegan soap-making workshops for those eager to learn about the process, and is an avid traveller, and diver as well! Meet your hustler gal Valery in our mini interview with her below.  

Tell us a bit of yourself and what inspired you to start RdytoGlow?
Hi, I’m Valery and I started RdytoGlow because I wanted to do my part to reduce our single use plastic waste. This was after I went on a dive trip to Malapascua and joined in on an ocean clean up and saw first-hand the plastic pollution in our waters. I also have eczema, so making my own natural and gentle soaps and body care products really help me control it.

What does a typical day look like?
Mornings are usually reserved for restocking products- whether it’s handmade soap or other items like lip balms. In the afternoon, I’ll usually pack a few orders or get cracking on those emails, planning our social media calendar or strategizing for RdytoGlow. If it’s the weekend, I’ll be teaching soap workshops the whole day and washing dishes in between.

Favourite part of your job?
My flexible schedule and being able to make decisions without needing multiple layers of approval. Things are also more fast-paced and exciting!

Most challenging part of starting your own business?
The uncertainty. Starting a business requires money and I’m no longer a fixed salary employee. It can be very daunting at times, and being a solo entrepreneur makes it even more challenging because most of the time, I’m learning on the go.  
What do you envision your brand to be?
I see RdytoGlow as the go-to for Singaporeans’ gifting needs, especially if they are looking for something handcrafted and natural. I also want to build a welcoming and helpful community for those wanting to live a more minimal waste lifestyle. Never judgmental or intimidating, the RdytoGlow community provides support and tips for newbies trying to make the switch.
What does success mean to you?
I think that success is being able to do what you love! But with that said, success shouldn’t be compared. We’re all on different paths and one person’s success doesn’t mean failure for another person. We should try to lift and support each other.
How do you motivate yourself?
I have a list of all the things we’ve accomplished at RdytoGlow and also a list on the reasons why I started RdytoGlow. I think it’s really easy to compare yourself with other businesses. Sometimes, it’s good when that drive and competitiveness motivates me to do more, and do better. Other times, it can also be very draining, so it helps to remember your own path and lean on your support system instead of comparing yourself to others.
What’s your morning routine or daily ritual?
My 2 cats wake me up at 7am everyday, I have no choice but to feed them or risk their incessant meows and nibbles. I try to do a short HIIT workout from Youtube then I have breakfast at home, usually some oats in coconut milk and a scoop of almond butter. Then I go to my Glowy soap studio to start the day.
What’s your advice to those who aspire to be an entrepreneur especially those who’s into natural and sustainable business?
Have patience and don’t give up! Cashflow is very important, I know it’s tempting to buy lots of ingredients and packaging to experiment but you need to work out a budget and stick to it.
What’s your must have self-care essentials?
Going for a spin class and a good face mask.
What’s your favourite books/podcast/music that you live by? (If you have any)
I’m actually more of a Youtube fan than books/podcasts right now. I love watching vlogs of other small businesses so that I can learn from them. Right now I’m bingeing on Jerika Zimmerman and Creative Hive.